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Employees In The Dark?

Do your customers know more about your company and services than your employees?

Employees In The Dark

1. Your employees are the front lines for growing revenue. If you are spending hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars trying to reach new or existing customers, then what are you doing to help ensure your employees are up to date on your products or advertising initiatives? Noting can be worse than a customer inquiring on a special promotion yet the person they talk to has no clue about the promotion.

2. Brand to your employees so they BECOME the brand! Keep your employees engaged and up to date. If you silo your employees on company marketing efforts, they will in turn, silio themselves as they do not feel "included" in helping grow the company.

3. Make sure your inside marketing technologies are as agile as your marketing team! You need to be able to update and change content as fast as possible. Digital signs are key in keeping your employees up to date as each sign can deliver a personal message to each department. Emails can be ignored and deleted without being read and intranet websites are hardly visited. Digital signs are in your face and hard to ignore.

Adaptive IP Services can help you fill the communication void! Call or email us to setup an onsite demonstration as our drag-and-drop digital signage solution will help you get the word out faster and easier than any other solution on the market! or 888-382-7685

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