Toll Free 888-382-7685
"What's the use in having a digital signage solution if no one is able to keep the content updated? This is why Adaptive's digital signage solution focuses on ease-of-use." David J. Boggs, Founder and CEO
Drag and Drop Updates
Drag-and-Drop Content Updates
When you add or remove images from a specified folder, one or all of your screens update without having to log into the customer portal. If you can create a powerpoint slide, you are now a signage content expert :)
Google Drive
Shared Network Drives
Easy to Use Web-Interface
From any known browser, quickly access our versatile and customizable web-based user interface. The flexible user interface consists of simple to use tools for optimal digital signage communication.
The user interface has an easy to use menu bar, consisting of five sections: Content, Content Store, Analysis and Reporting, Network Management, and Support
Easy to Customize Layouts
Our full feature layout designer allows you to easily create multiple sections for various ads. The drag and drop functionality along with the background and overlay features make it easy to create stunning layouts in minutes..
It’s extremely fast and easy to design a layout. No technical experience is necessary. In fact, you can create a layout in less than five minutes. Additionaly, it’s very easy to maintain and change a layout for your digital signage monitor even after it's been published.